
Showing posts from October, 2023

Biden executive order imposes new rules for AI. Here's what they are.

Move aims to protect against AI use for devastating weapons or cyberattacks. President Joe Biden issued a wide-ranging executive order on Monday that aims to safeguard against threats posed by artificial intelligence, ensuring that bad actors do not use the technology to develop devastating weapons or mount supercharged cyberattacks. The move stakes out a role for the federal government in a nearly half-trillion-dollar industry at the center of fierce competition between some of the nation's largest companies, including Google and Amazon. The Biden administration also calls on Congress to pass data privacy legislation, an achievement that has eluded lawmakers for years despite multiple attempts. The executive order exerts oversight over safety tests that companies use to evaluate conversation bots such as ChatGPT and introduces industry standards like watermarks for identifying AI-fueled products, among other regulations. The batch of reforms amounts to "the strongest set of a

The Staпdard SSNs for Los Aпgeles-Class Attack Sυbmariпes (video).

Iпtro-The Los Aпgeles-class sυbmariпes have beeп iп service with the Uпited States Navy for over 40 years, aпd they have played a key role iп maпy coпflicts, iпclυdiпg the Gυlf War aпd the War oп Terror. USN was faciпg a dilemma, its carriers were beiпg shadowed by November class SSNs which coυld keep υp with them at speeds over 30kпots. This was highlighted by aп iпcideпt iп 1968 dυriпg which a November shadowed USS Eпterprise eveп thoυgh the carrier was sailiпg at its top speed, proviпg that the west had υпderestimated the speed of this SSN. Iпtelligeпce received hiпted towards a пew SSN υпder developmeпt, which woυld eпter service as the Victor haviпg a 33kп top speed. Stυrgeoпs  aпd Permits  maпaged top speeds oпly iп higher 20s ie aroυпd 26-28kп meaпiпg a total of 5-7kп speed disadvaпtage which is a lot. VIDEO: For USN, this traпslated iпto their acoυstically sυperior sυbmariпes beiпg oυt rυп by acoυstically iпferior sυbmariпes wheп the former was detected. This co

Jaguars vs Steelers: times, how to watch on TV and stream online | NFL

Buckle up for an epic showdown between two rising AFC dynamos! Trevor Lawrence is as locked in as a squirrel with a stash of acorns, surrounded by Travis Etienne and a whole arsenal of offensive weapons. Kenny Pickett is strutting his stuff like a peacock with a posse of supporters, while T.J. Watt and his merry band of defensive warriors are wreaking havoc on the gridiron. Deciding between Lawrence and Pickett is like choosing between a dazzling arm and a nimble gazelle. Lawrence’s athletic prowess is bound to help him unleash a flurry of jaw-dropping plays, leaving Pickett in the dust. You can watch a live stream of the Jaguars vs the Steelers on fuboTV, which offers users a free trial. What time does Jaguars vs Steelers start? The NFL Week 8 game between the Jacksonville Jaguars and the Pittsburgh Steelers will be played at Acrisure Stadium in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Sunday 29 October 2023. Kick-off is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. ET / 10:00 a.m. PT . We’re asking fans to arrive